Attention all customers: Please book ahead online or phone us if you need to bring in your bird for bird sitting, nail or wing trims and beak filing. We cannot always accommodate walk-ins. Thank you!
Compact lamps of the correct design can produce a large amount of essential light, they are easy to use and flicker free, needing no external ballast nor control. However, they have always had large limitations in pet care, the greatest being a lack of suitable reflectors. The lack of an effective reflector has made compact lighting for birds and other animals almost unusable and in some cases, quite dangerous as it equated to large scale incorrect use in aviculture and herpetoculture, using bare lamps protruding into the living space and a reduction in downward flow of energy.
PureSun-CompactKit has been created through complex and detailed computerised modelling in order to both capture and to allow as much light to travel downwards from the fitting as possible. In doing so we have been able to fix a historic issue and to bring an easy to use and affordable reflector kit to our hobby.
Where provided lighting should always be fitted directly above the head and at the correct distance from the bird/animal, per species need. Lamps should never be fitted in a way where a lamp is side on to the eye but should be fitted so that as much light can travel downwards as possible.
Arcadia Bird and Reptile compact lamps have been made to the highest standard, using German technology, being flicker free, UV-C free and in the important ‘3U’ design. Unlike pigtail type compacts which are almost impossible to use, ‘3U’ lamps have a greater outward surface area and as such emit more light in the right direction. However, having 3 ‘U’ shaped loops up to 2 of these loops can be facing in the wrong direction. This equates to a lack of light and overall efficiency. PureSun-CompactKit has been designed to reflect as much light as possible from all surfaces of the lamp. This means that our exclusive reflector allows effective and safe use with clean and UVI stable illumination below.
Only the flat of the 3 loops are facing directly downwards onto the bird, all other energy is traveling in the wrong direction.
More glass surface area on the flat plane results in greater light projected downwards. Although around 80% of all light is lost to travel in the wrong direction.
Small area of glass facing down onto the bird in this fitting method and that almost all energy is travelling out away from the lamp and not into the cage.